Okay, so like for all those moms out there that go to school, and work, and take care of their kid, and work on world peace and bake and cook and sew and practice medicine on their spare time, I have one thing to say
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Baby is three weeks old now....and she so cute. She makes little OOOH sounds like a piglet. It's just so weird ahahhaa omg. I created perfect life, y'all. Seriously....and wow, I've been hanging out with Rogue too much. She is in my HEAD, yo
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My daughter sleeps a lot. I'm so proud of that :D Though, she sleeps during the DAY and not at night. That part? Not so fun. My brain is dead but I figure as long as I totally don't like break my kid, I'm doing okay! Woo! I'm hungry
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Jubilee has absolutely no idea how she is feeling right now. Since her daughter's birth, her emotions have been back to the rollercoaster she was used to during her first trimester. It doesn't help that somehow, Rogue finally got a hold of Alex, and he was on his way
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